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A ROI is the abbreviation of region of inte= rest, and the ROI is often used in the image which comes from the mega pixel cam= era. When the image is playing, the ROI can be played in other viewer separatel= y. The high image resolution of the mega pixel camera makes the ROI image more distinctly even though the image has been partially enlarged. When the ROI= is created, a yellow rectangle frame is displayed on the image area, represen= ting the visible area of the ROI.
When the ROI image is played on an independent viewer, the movement of the yell= ow rectangle in the original viewer will generate the change of the ROI image simultaneously. The operation mode of ROI is called the ePTZ mode. The ROI function is generally used in a non-mechanic camera, and the function simulates the PTZ function in the viewer.
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To hide a ROI, see the following steps:
Figure. Hide ROI
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&n= bsp; The model 8XXX of Arecont camera is a camera with four lenses and can display four images simultaneously in the same viewer. Three specific ROI functio= ns are designed for the camera, and they are Expand panoramic views, Delete All ROIs, and Close all ROI views. By combining the ePTZ functions, the Expand panoramic views function help the users to zoom in the images and view more details. See the following steps for the advanced functions.
Figure. Advanced ROI functions
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