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Flexible Sub-channel Support
By taking the full advantage of the camera multiple-streaming feature, GVD NVR supports up to 2 additional sub-channel streams ...
Digital CCTV Wall
With GVD's next generation workstations and the powerful professional CCTV keyboard support, GVD provides comprehensive digital CCTV Wall solution...
Powerful Time Sector Engine
With the efficient video engine design, GVD NVR and CWS provide the industry-leading performance over any network. The powerful TSE engine ...
Intro to VMX
Describe the basic concept of VMX...
Add Delete ROI
A ROI is the abbreviation of region of interest, and the ROI is often used in the image which comes from the mega pixel camera. When the image is playing...
Sub Channel
The sub channel is a special function supported by specific cameras, like Arecont 3100 camera. When the sub channel is enabled, the camera...
GVD's E-map supports HTML language which allow user to use JAVA script, CSS....etc
Alarm Rule
Show user how to use GVD NVR to create alarm rule to detect events. e.g. motion event...
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